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Grace Lutheran Preschool
Preparing Children for Tomorrow
Learn About Us
Grace Lutheran Preschool is a two-year-old through six-year-old school, existing to prepare children for tomorrow. Our mission is to develop spiritually vibrant and academically equipped students who will be the Christian leaders of tomorrow.
We educate children to think deeply, solve problems, relate to God and others, and create the future. Our preschool curriculum developmentally prepares students for kindergarten using the challenging Core Knowledge curriculum, with a focus on the fine arts. Our well-rounded education prepares students for life on this earth and eternity.
“The keys to academic success for children may not be smaller class size, better prepared teachers, tougher standards, more accountability, or greater choice – laudable as those goals may be. They may instead hinge on a single factor: preschool.” Isabel V. Sawhill, The Brookings Institution
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